KORYN-TRIPLE is the broad-spectrum antimicrobial and bactericide that acts by blocking the enzymes that intervene in the synthesis of folic acid in the microorganism. Sulfamethoxypyridazine, sulfanilamide, and trimethropin, together with tylosin, strengthen their power providing a synergistic effect. KORYN-TRIPLE has a very broad action-spectrum against Gram-negative and Gram-positive germs: Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Pneumococcus, Salmonellas, Klebsiellas, Shigellas and Vibrio cholerae. It also acts on germs like: Haemophilus, Escherichia and Proteus. KORYN-TRIPLE is rapidly absorbed in the digestive system, reaching plasma concentrations within 1 to 3 hours. KORYN-TRIPLE acts against acute and chronic pyelonephritis, and in the digestive system against dysentery, colibacillosis, gastroenteritis and diarrhea due to several causes. It is the treatment indicated against lower and upper respiratory tract infections (coryza, laryngitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis), genitourinary infections (urethritis, cystitis, vaginitis, metritis) and it is also indicated for the treatment of ear infections. In pigs, KORYN-TRIPLE controls dysentery, erysipelas and Mycoplasma arthritis. In birds, KORYN-TRIPLE constitutes the indicated treatment against fowl cholera. This medication is recommended for the treatment and prevention of CRD (Chronic respiratory disease), and Mycoplasma gal lisepticum and M. synoviae infections in broilers and layers. In turkeys, it works well against sinusitis. In bovines, KORYN-TRIPLE is indicated for the treatment of animals with pasteurellosis, streptococcosis, broncho pneumonia complicated with mycoplasma as well as enterobacteriaceae.
Fighting birds: 2 g per liter of water (first day) and 1 g per liter of water from the 2nd to the 7th day. Birds in general: 10 g per each 10 liters of water. Commercial bird companies, including ostriches: 100 g per each 100 liters of water or 1 kg per 1000 liters of water. Bovine and porcine: 1 g per each 20 kg of body weight. Calves and suckling pigs: 1 g per each 10 kg of body weight.
It must not be applied in animals with a history of hypersensitivity to sulfonamides. It should not be administered together with local or gener al anesthetics, synthetic hypoglycemiants or antineoplasic medications. This product should not be used 5 days before animals are slaughtered for human consumption. The egg of treated birds should not be consumed until after 8 days after the treatment has been finished. The milk of ani mals treated with this product should not be used for human consumption until 5 days after the last application. Store in a cool place and away from sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children.
Each gram contains:
Sulfamethoxypyridazine………………………………………………….. 125 mg
Trimethropin………………………………………………………………….. 25 mg
Tylosin…………………………………………………………………………..30 mg
Excipient q.s……………………………………………………………………….1 g
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