PUPPY PET-GUARD was developed after the need to immunize puppies at early ages, specially when their handling contemplates exposure to places where there is a high risk of infections. PUPPY PET-GUARD is manufactured with L-85 strain of canine parvovirus, isolated in Mexico, typified, attenuated and cloned at Cornell University in New York, United States, and Buzzell strain of canine distemper. Both strains were selected because of their highly immunogenic features and cloned to provide higher stability to the vaccine. PUPPY PET-GUARD presents an elevated antigenicity, since it is manufac tured with a reduced number of passes in tissue cultures and has viral titers which comply to the NOM. The viruses are cultured in homologous cell lines of canine origin, acknowledged and certified, which provides them with high specificity and secures the absence of contaminating vi ruses. PUPPY PET-GUARD is manufactured with active viruses that replicate in the puppy in a benign form and provide it with a solid and long-lasting humoral and cellular-mediated immunity.
1 mL.
Subcutaneous administration.
Keep in a dry and cool place. Keep away from sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep at a temperature between 4°C and 8°C. Shake before use. Avoid heating or freezing. Handle aseptically. New and sterile syringes must be used. The vaccine must be used only in healthy animals. The presence of ma ternal antibodies may interfere with primary vaccination. Avoid heating or freezing. As a biological product, it may trigger anaphylactic reactions.
Once reconstituted, each dose contains:
Canine parvovirus L-85 strain and canine morbillivirus Buzzell strain, modified in cell cultures.
*The pill is reconstituted with sterile distilled water.
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