
Injectable Purgative Reg. SAGARPA Q-1069-029

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The formulation of PERISTALTINA® includes Pilocarpine hydrochloride which is an alkaloid with parasimpaticomimetic effects, this means that it stimulates the autonomic nervous system activity in the parasympathetic portion, increases tone and amplitude of the gastrointestinal peristaltic contractions, and at the same time stimulates the gastric juice, saliva and pancreatic juice secretion; it also produces sweating (diaphoresis). Another ingredient of PERISTALTINA® is Arecholine Bromhydrate, an alkaloid that derives from the areca nut which presents parasympathetic effects, similar to the ones of Pilocarpine. It increases peristalsis, improving intestinal evacuation in equines, mainly when the animal presents colics caused by overeating. In the formulation of PERISTALTINA® we include Eserine sulfate also known as physostigmine, an alkaloid obtained from the Calabar bean. This substance presents a parasympathomimetic action which inhibits the destruction of acetylcholine and extends its effect. The three ingredients of PERISTALTINA® act over the myenteric and submucosal plexus which are part of the enteric nervous system; the first one stimulates the intestinal peristaltic movements and the second, the secretion of the intestinal glands of enzymes and hormones as cholecystokinin, which increases the gall stone contraction and the secretion of pancreatic juice and gastrin; stimulating the gastric acid secretion; and secretin, which stimulates the cholecystokinin secretion. Other important hormones are motilin which stimulates the production of pepsin and bombesin releasing gastrin.

Bovines and equines: 1 ampoule. The dose can be repeated 2 or 3 times a day in accordance to the Zootechnician Veterinary Doctor. The effect is better through an oral administration (a dose of 300.0 to 500.0 ml of mineral oil), 1 hour before the PERISTALTINA® injection.
Eliminate gastrointestinal gases before application (tympanitis). Keep in a fresh and dry place. Keep out of the reach of children. Use new and sterile equipment for the application. This product is exclusively for Veterinary use. Prescription is needed for sale. Consult the Zootechnician Veterinary Doctor.
Every ampoule contains:
Pilocarpine Hydrochloride…………………………………………………. 0.05 g
Arecholine Bromhydrate……………………………………………………. 0.03 g
Eserine Sulfate………………………………………………………………. 0.02 g
Bidistilled water, q.s. ……………………………………………………… 5.0 ml


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